Quite a lot has transpired since my last post. I obviously cannot comment on everything, as I have neither the time nor the energy to do so. I will, however, touch on a few items I find of particular interest.
I've literally just come from the Rotary Club of Sydney Inner West. I met with the Rotarians there are gave my Ambassadorial Scholar presentation. I find that with each presentation I give, I follow the presentation with a retrospective analysis of all the things I did wrong and of all the things I forgot to mention. All that aside, the folks of the Inner West club are a great group! They were a fantastic bunch who asked many interesting questions. I was quite pleased at the level of engagement and inquiry!
Tomorrow I will be joining fellow Ambassadorial Scholar Julie Janiski to the Rotary Club of Mosman for a joint presentation. More on that later...
To back up a bit...
I've been on my first out-of-state trip! I had an absolutely splendid time visiting my host counselor at her lovely apartment in Broadbeach, Queensland. It was a bit grey and rainy the week I was there, but the area was gorgeous regardless! I loved taking in the sights (when the rain stopped long enough to get out and about!), and I had such a wonderful time visiting with Judith in the evenings. Rotarian Ralph Miller and his wife Rosalind were there for two days. They are such a great couple! They're also extremely entertaining---I truly believe a show should be made about them!
Here are a few photos from the trip. They include:
1) Where I stayed (the resort where Judith's apartment is located); 2) A view of Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach from the Q1 [world's largest residential bldg.]; 3) A view of Broadbeach beach; 4) Green Mtn of Lamington National Park [the tour guide's hand is indicating where a plane had crashed many years before].
I have been plowing through the literature for my research. I'm loving the subject---it's truly an interesting topic for me, which is good! I'd hate to have flagging interest at this point in the game. I'm doing a second revision of the literature review and will be beginning my interviews once I get the official "go ahead" from the ethics folks.
The Book Bridge Project is nearly fully operational! We have a few little adjustments to make, but we'll be up-and-running with schools invovled by mid- to late-September! Woo-hoo! Also, I'm very excited to have a second project underway with a fellow Rotaractor. I'm not going to provide detail here until we get our copyright and charity licensure---so you'll have to await more word with 'bated breath! ha ha ha...
Big thanks to Dr. Karl Maton, my associate research supervisor at Sydney Uni. He has asked me to serve as research assistant. I'm keen to help out, as it will be a great opportunity to get some practice in and learn even more from him!
Also on the horizon: I'm moving from Earlwood to Glebe. Exciting! I'll send photos once I get settled in.
I have loads more to go on about, but I'm afraid I have lost my interest in typing right now.
More later!