Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's a bit cool and rainy today. I do enjoy rain, but I think it's far prettier out here when it isn't pissing it down. Still, it is quite nice to look out of my open window and watch the sheets of rain move across Undercliffe.

I have an engagement this evening that I'm very excited about! I'm going to the New South Wales Parliament House at Macquarie Street near The Rocks. The Sydney City Rotaract-sponsored Rotary vs. Rotaract Great Debate is taking place there tonight. This is to be my first Sydney Rotaract event, and I'm really looking forward to it! (The URL for the event flyer is: http://www.sydneycityrotaract.org/debate.jpg .) I'm hoping I have the opportunity to become a formal member!

Last night marked my first Postgraduate Seminar. It was lovely having the chance to become acquainted with some of the other postgrads. A few of us got together afterward for coffee at one of the university cafes. It was really nice to have a chat with them. They're all doing a Ph.D., so they provided a lot of insight into how things are typically run in the department. I look forward to hanging out with them again soon!
Also, given a suggestion I had made to my supervisor (who is also the seminar convenor), I have become the "social secretary", which means I get to plan the Sociology/Social Policy Postgraduate Film Series and other such social events. This is right up my alley! I'm really looking forward to it, and I've already developed a potential viewing list. Woo-hoo!

My nomination acceptance form has been turned in to the SUPRA office---now I just wait until March 22nd to see if I am going to stand as a postgraduate councilor.

That's all that's going on up to this point. More later on the Rotary vs. Rotaract Great Debate!

1 comment:

Carole said...

Tara...can you add my husband to your e-mail list? Same as mine except e instead of c.
Thanks! He is always interested in what you are doing.