Sunday, July 22, 2007

I needed something mindless to do, so I just took the Which Fraggle Rock Character Are You? Quiz. Simply given the nature of this blog I felt it necessary to post the results (below). I wouldn't call Australians "Silly Creatures", though!
Anyhow...I LOVE Traveling Matt! He was one of my favorites.

Which Fraggle Rock character are you? You scored as a Traveling Matt Fraggle

You left everything you knew in Fraggle Rock to begin the exploration of the last great frontier of Fraggledom รข€“ Outer Space. You send postcards back to your nephew in the Rock from time to time to impart your wisdom to him in hopes that the brave service to all Fragglekind will be beneficial to those who need it. You're not sure that you want to come back home because the world of the Silly Creatures is very interesting.

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