Friday, May 11, 2007

I've just finished up chopping veg at Just Enough Faith. I always enjoy going there to help out---the folks are all so lovely! I really do wish there was more I could do. I am hoping to be able to go back on the van again soon. I guess it's something loads of people enjoy doing, so I just hang back and wait until someone calls in sick or if there aren't enough people. That's only happened about 4 times now. At any rate, I'm ready to go back out soon!

This isn't really related at all, but...
I'm not sure what it is that brings me to post really bad poetry. I apologize---really, I do. I guess because it's the only poetry I write! I do say, however, that I am no poet---I am only a writer of poetry. Anyhow, this is a poem about my walk through Callan Park this evening. (To help you orient the place I'm writing about: Just Enough Faith is in Callan Park, which is in Rozelle, which is connected to Balmain.)

Portrait of a Night Walk in Rozelle
Written by Me
11 May 2007

The autumn night
sighs heavily,
on its warm breath
the scent of woodfire,
petrol and fading flora.

My path is ensconced
within a fortress
of trees, homes, lawns
and a distant horizon
ablaze with artificial light.

I move alone tonight---
one set of footfalls
beating against the shadow-cast earth.
I breathe in the dark,
feel it stir around me.

The night is a thousand eyes,
a thousand thoughts,
and thousand reminders
of my insignificance.

Have I mentioned lately that I really dislike being a poor student? I was looking online at tickets for Sydney Opera House performances, and all the ones I want to see are $80+ (upwards of $300!). *sigh* I am going to have to find a really fantastic job to keep me in the lifestyle to which I want to become accustomed! Maybe I just need a rich benefactor. I need my own Magwitch (Hey! It could happen! I am, after all, in Australia!). ha ha ha...

There is absolutely nothing new to report. Tomorrow is going to be more of the same (i.e., studying). I figure I'll head out early tomorrow to one of my select study spots and get a bit of reading done outdoors before heading to the State Library for a bit. I haven't been to the Powerhouse Museum yet, so that may be next on my list of places to visit---it may be where I end up tomorrow afternoon.

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